Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What I've Been Missing (not in order)

1. Golf
2. Hanging out with mates (those outside of this group obviously)
3. Family
4. Clean water/streets/rooms/clothes/body/air etc
5. Good music
6. Road rules that aren't just honk and hope
7. Being able to see the stars
8. Proper hot showers
9. T.V.
10. A New Zealand Christmas and New Years

There are many more things from home I have been missing on this trip and despite this the last 26 days has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life so far. The entire trip has been really eye-opening and has definitely changed my outlook on certain things, while still being really fun, which is a tribute to the staff. As mentioned by Reuben in a debrief a few days ago, a lot of the changes to us that are a result of this programme may happen without us even realising in the weeks, months, and years to come which is pretty exciting.

I can't wait to get home and talk to Ollie about the trip and get back to having a New Zealand summer. Only one more train ride to go (thank god) and a chill day in Mumbai, so one last chance to buy terrible knick knacks and get full lunches with drinks and ice creams for $3NZD! I hope everyone had a great New Years and that you all are looking forward to 2014!

George Helsby

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