Wednesday, January 1, 2014


After one month of trying to work our way through the craziness which is called India, last night showed how tight the group has become. After 8 hours of dancing with Indian men and Russian women it was awesome to then be able to just sit back and reflect on a New Years; and in turn, a month that to summarise as being 'memorable' would be an understatement (although some Indian advances I may try to forget!).

With there already being talk of how our group will stay in touch, and when we'll all next meet up when we return home, it is clear what the best bit about the trip was - the lads.

It will be a huge change coming back to NZ. At the forefront of that will be not waking up to find someone who you can go explore a city, meet the locals with or someone to just play cards with. The friendships we've made here are one thing everyone will be able to take out of India if nothing else.

The past month has had people crying and laughing in the same hour. The food, people, and places we've experienced has brought together what is a great group of guys. I will miss that greatly.


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