Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Here are some of my thoughts coming out of our last small group debrief, when several questions were posed to us about the year that has been.

Highlight: the school production earlier in the year. This was definitely my highlight; I became more comfortable on stage performing in front of people, and made a lot of good friendships through the show's duration. I will definitely miss these sorts of experiences moving forward into uni.

Favourite place: Weird one . . . probably on my guitar playing with the band I'm in. I loved making & playing music with 3 mates- great fun. It's hard to explain the buzz you get when you perform your own music on a stage, or hear the songs coming together during a practice, but it's a feeling I want to experience many more times in my year.

Lowlight: My falling work rate at school, trying to balance different commitments while still being a pain in the arse at home- sorry Mum & Dad!

Highlight #2: Ian Turner Cup at prize giving & what it represented. 2013 was a year of over committing, but this culminated what was a very fulfilling year. I don't normally like getting awards or recognition, but I must admit that I felt really good after that day.

2013 was a year of...... friendship. I made & cemented so many different friendships, and value each one of them. I'm not looking forward to when lots of these awesome people move away to university this year; I'll miss them heaps, but I hope uni will bring a whole heap more interesting people into my life.

2013 was the year I went to India. I won't forget that one in a rush.

2014 will be even better.


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