Wednesday, January 1, 2014

At Peace

Goa has been perfect for thinking. Some people come to India and become confused about how they want to live their life; this is definitely not the case for me. If anything India has given me clarity. It's funny that I've had to come to one of the craziest countries in the world to realise what I value in life, and the life I want to lead.

This country has made me realise that life is fragile and you only get one. Because of this realisation I now know that I want to live life to the fullest. I want to do something that matters.

However, I don't see myself coming back here and working in the slums, etc. And this may be selfish, but I'm not the kind of person to do that sort of work, and I've come to accept that. I'm at peace with myself knowing that I can live my life and still have a positive effect on the people around me. Maybe this won't solve the problems in India that I wish I could solve, but I've accepted that is just life.


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