Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holy Moly

I'm writing this post in a n internet cafe in the back of a dodgy building just around the corner from our hotel in Kolkata. Wow wee. I thought Singapore was intense and exciting but India has just taken it to the next level. I thought I'd share with you all a conversation I had with a border guard last night at the airport. It goes as follows

Guard: Why are you coming to India?
Me: For a school tour
Guard: What is your occapation?
Me: I'm a student
Guard: I don't think you understand sir, what is your occ-u-pation ( At this point I'm beginning to worry whether he's going to let me in)
Me: I don't have an occupation, I'm a student, I go to school, I'm 17
Guard: Do you play sport?
Me: Yes. I play cricket
(Short pause)
Guard: Welcome to India sir!!
(firm hand shake and he sends me on my way)

Today has been long already and its only half three. Exploring the surrounding streets has been eye opening and quite surreal. I still can't quite believe that I'm here doing this but it's starting to sink in now. Today it's felt like we've seen two sides of India. Having visited Mother Teresa's house this morning the peaceful, religious side, reflected in the calm morning streets has hugely contrasted with our experience in the markets where men were trying force cheap goods on us. I'm feeling exhausted and hopefully the days will start to get a bit shorter and more sleep is had soon. So far this experience has been totally overwhelming from all angles. Only 25 days to go...


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