Although, we've only been gone for no longer than 3 days, it seems like it has been an absolute age. All sense of time has been completely lost in a mixture of jet lag and as a result of our travels, utter exhaustion. Personally, i'm sturggling to keep up a log in my memory of the last two days. Two things stand out most vividly in my mind.
Firstly, walking through Singapore and observing some of the tourist attractions the city had to offer proved to be an interesting experience. For a country that claims to be so clean, I was somewhat disappointed by the extent of the poluution in the Marina Bay water. At the same time, I was very surprised by the presence of aquatic life with numerous schools of fish spotted by the boys and even a shy turtle. The people of Singapore were very friendly and, judging by the extensive shopping mecca, lived rather exotic lifestyles (although this may be too far a leap, given our experience was very brief). Jake Robson made a critiical observation. "You know for a rich country, there aren't that many poor people."
The second moment that stands out was first arriving in Kolkata. Having spotted a cabin worker somking a cigarette out the back of a commercial plane after first landing, my expectations of Kolkata International Airport were somewhat low. I was pleasently surprised. AIrport officials were very helpful, shedding further light onto our accomodation in Kolkata, bursting into laughter upon hearing it was the Hotel Emirates. Having recently been renovated, the airport had top notch facilities. Shane Jordan was quick to express his dissatisfaction with the renovations.
The airport did not reflect the city in the slightest. I felt somewhat duped into a false feeling of comfort. Observations from the taxi revealed a muddle of people, automobiles, animals and mostly dirt.
Today was a good day. By night the city was rather imtimdating, but by day it is much more enjoyable. The sounds are not so much frightening, but add vibrancy to the city. Potholes are easier to spot. You can see the faces of people and realise that they are smiling at you as they stare.
Initial impressions have been mixed, but enjoying it so far.
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