Friday, December 27, 2013

Smile, Nod, Wink and Laugh

As you arise to the 27th day of the 12th month in 2013, we have recently closed out the 26th day; and what a day it was! Probably the highlight of today for the boys would have to be sitting through a Hindi movie at the notoriously famous Regal Cinema on the corner of the Colaba Causeway itself. It was important for us that the viewing of the Bollywood extravaganza Dhoom 3 was at such a significant place, where inside it quickly became apparent that talking during the movie, answering one's mobile phone, yelling when the hero comes on screen, and whistling when a female enters the frame, are all completely acceptable. After all we are in a land where the normal is shockingly unusual! More on the movie outing later in the boys' blogs no doubt . . .

There is also no doubt it has been extremely satisfying to have had a full complement of 22 boys over the last two days and thus we have attacked Mumbai head on. Today was absolutely no different with a long walk through the chaos of several districts (coupled with the 'serenity' of the coastline that came at the end of the walking travels), the NZ vs India touch rugby fixtures in the Oval Maidan, and obviously the continual opportunities to interact with the locals, all bringing more frames of reference to build a further intricate layer of what makes this society tick.

What you desire though are the details, so here is how the day played out:

Thursday 26 December

7am-9am - The boys gradually arose from their dream worlds. No wake up time was set as it was deemed important to allow some quality rest following a hectic few days. As is often the case, the additional rest left many looking even more lethargic upon arrival at the pre-determined departure point (even though it was a casual 10am leaving time!)
7:30am-8:45am - Many enjoyed the included breakfast service that the YWCA made available. I'm sure though that the demand for real milk and quality bread is rising rapidly- prepare parents to have the cupboards and fridges raided upon return for these basic commodities
10:15am- After waiting for a couple of stragglers to front up, Reuben McGregor-Sumpter delivers an excellent series of useful points on the Modern Economy in India. His analysis of the per capita comparisons was impressive
10:30am-The group takes off for a 'casual' walk. It consists of walking an hour north, through the predominantly Hindu sector of Mahatma Gandhi Marg (past the spectacular Victoria Terminal Railway Station), heading even further north onto Muhammed Ali Marg (where the attire strongly indicates we have transitioned into the Islamic quarter of the city). The smells throughout the 60 minute walk are tasty, repulsive and downright uncommon
11:30am– We weave our way west towards the coast arriving on the Marine Drive where the air is somewhat cooler, saltier, and the pavements significantly less congested. Unfortunately the beach is littered with mess that isn't assisted by the refuse outlet that flows straight into the ocean. As kiwis we admire the view out near the horizon but struggle with the shorter distances where floating 'aquatic life' is evident
12:30pm- Having completed a walk back past the Wankhede Stadium (home of the Cricket World Cup Finals series in 2010) and the smaller Brabourne Stadium, we venture through the Oval Maidan and re-enter the YWCA grounds
12:45-4pm - The boys scatter to have lunch at whatever eating establishment they choose. This eating activity is combined with sleep, showering and blogging pursuits. Once again a couple attempt to argue the barriers to shopping, but rest is critical at the moment as chesty coughs and sunken eyes are becoming a little more evident
4:15pm- We head down to the Oval Maidan and meet the Magicians Rugby Club players. This time although many if the faces are the same there is no community slum visit but rather a fantastic opportunity to throw a ball around on a piece of grass (I've never heard a kiwi kid complain about that!)
6pm- A quick wash up is needed. Will Allen, triumphant from scoring a touch, declares he will never wash again
6:40pm- Into the Regal Cinema we flow. In total there were 25 from the AGS continent, 35 from the Magicians Rugby Club and 10 randoms (two sets of families we extended the Christmas cheer to). The total cost per ticket for the 70 seats we purchased $280. The screening of Dhoom 3 will be widely discussed by the boys in their upcoming blogs so all I will note is that taking onboard a storyline where a man and women fall in love but ultimately can't be together, where an auto rickshaw flies through the air for 500 metres, where the cops actually bring the bad guys to justice, and where choreographed dances seem to break out at the frequently of one's single breaths, was all a little too much
9:50pm- The film finishes (I know, the length rivals Pride and Prejudice)
10pm- With the two groups split into several mini units the Magician Club players scout out the eating venues and our boys pay for the respective meals. In doing so it is a treat for both camps. For us it id a sense of giving and gaining a further insight into the Indian way (a little different to the Grammar Way), and for them it is a cultural interaction that is far removed from their current reality
11:30pm- Goodbyes are said, we arrange paid taxis for our guests and they head off into the night (although we will get to see them tomorrow afternoon, so no tears just yet!)
11:45pm- Lights Out

Right now it is difficult to fathom we have only been in Mumbai for two days. Each of the 24 hour spells have been full of electric experiences, truly high octane stuff that even a Bollywood movie would fail to capture. Once again India has thrown up a multitude of sights and smells that are difficult to capture and/or make sense of.

Tomorrow will bring more freedom for the boys to roam the surrounding neighbourhood in the afternoon, but prior to that we have a tour of the city, provided by the most wonderful of tour guides, to look forward to. In the meantime, bed is calling loudly in the Editor's direction.


MVP- Angus Grant. Honesty in this world is a treasured quality and thus Angus' receives this award for being so forthcoming with the topic of his most recent blog. Yes indeed he is accurate in noting that he was offered a daughter by an Indian man last night, however what was missing from his explanation was the true nature of the songs he was singing to gain such attention. Now it seems unfair to keep such a fact from you, the avid readers, so just for your information Gus performed a melody of 'Why does Love do this to me' and 'I'm Yours'. That in itself affords him this prestigious crown.

Breaking tradition, today also included a further MVP accolade to be bestowed upon a group member . . .

MVP #2- William Allen. Now today young William (Viliame to our Tongan friends) scored a try in a game of touch rugby. Now not being the most procifient in the 'oval ball skill set' stakes Viliame showed a gorgeous turn of pace following an excellent ability to catch the ball with his eyes closed. Later in the day Vili then went on to sit next to one of only three Magician rugby players of the opposite gender at the movie theatre. Now without a word of a lie she departed at the intermission with some feeble excuse and didn't return to her seat for the second stanza. At this stage William started to doubt himself (The Editor isn't too sure why this didn't happen years earlier). In all this fella has had a champion day.

Thought- Language barriers account for nothing. Tonight the mini groups took off for meals across the Colaba district. None of our boys could speak Hindi (except for the irregular learnt profanity), and very few of the Magicians' boys could speak English. Somehow the universal smile, nod, wink and laugh took over and friendships were formed. Clearly we don't always need to hear voices to completely understand.

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