You know your in India when you barter down the price of a gimmick from 2000rupee to 200rupee walk out feeling pretty chuffed only to be smugly told by Mr Skeen that you have been completely played and could have got it for 50.Before coming here i was always being told what to expect with this country - that it will completely blown your mind etc etc... and i am happy to report that Kolkata has blown my mind. Surpassed all expectations and left me kind of reeling in the insanity of how it works. (i really dont know how this all works... how you can get things for litterally 1000th of the NZ price.. how you havent already crashd the cab for the 100th time... the list goes on.) Where in Singapore you could count each individal ciggarette butt you see in a day on one hand these street are quite the... slap in the face. AND I LOVE IT.
Hugo (Irene)
Wow! Great blog Hugo. I can only imagine what it's like. I'm glad it's your face that got slapped.