India and Singapore both have so many different things to buy, and I can already feel that by the end of the trip I will not only be broke, but will also have a suitcase full useless items and memory of weird food. In our first night in Singapore I decided to buy myself a birds nest flavored soft drink. I can now confirm to you all that birds nests don't taste nice. I then bought a wheat grass flavored soft drink and it too was very disappointing. The following day as we explored Singapore's landmarks I tried some agar agar, it's kinda like jelly but also very different. My most recent purchase was in 'new market' Kolkata, where I purchased a Angry Birds board game for 300 rupees (around $8). My first quality purchase with many more to come!
Ben M.
I wake up in the middle of the night trying to figure out if you are all in the middle of the night too, in in the air, in Singapore or in India. It is wonderful to know that you are now all SAFELY in India. Thank you so much for your amazing blogs. Your insights are quite extraordinary for just a few short hours. thanks for adding your names also. Love Liz